Puppy Chow

Puppy ChowEmbrace your inner child by making this fun, quick, and simple dessert- puppy chow! Puppy chow is arguably the most lovable dessert of all time. Everything about it is adorable from its name to its appearance. If you’ve never tried puppy chow, it’s simply Chex cereal coated in chocolate, peanut butter, and powdered sugar. But hey, just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s not wonderful! Sugar, chocolate, and peanut butter always go well together and puppy chow is no exception.

I was tempted to name this kitty chow since we have two adorable kitties (not puppies) as pets. I decided to stick with the name puppy chow since our cats (although fluffy, chubby, and total cutie pies) were no help whatsoever making this! They’re too busy napping and cuddling to ever help out in the kitchen. So, puppy chow it is.

It’s so fun to have a bowl of puppy chow sitting out on the kitchen table…Okay, it was fun that one hour it was sitting out. Puppy chow is so easy to grab and munch on (especially when surfing the Internet) that I had to to put it away otherwise risk eating it all! So, while I can’t enjoy leaving it out, I had fun shaking the big bag of powdered sugar and cereal. I loved doing that as a child and doing it as an adult is just as fun.

Did you make puppy chow as a kid? Do you make it now as an adult? It takes less than 5 minutes to make and (no matter  your age) it’s fun to make and eat. So, let loose and have a little fun in your kitchen by making puppy chow!Puppy Chow - Unwed HousewifeIngredients

  • 6 oz. Chex cereal
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 1 & 1/2 cup confectioner’s sugar


  1. Melt chocolate chips on stove top or in microwave. Stir in peanut butter.
  2. In large bowl combine cereal and chocolate mixture with spatula.
  3. Place coated cereal in large zip-lock bag. Add confectioner’s sugar. Close bag and shake thoroughly until cereal is fully coated in sugar.

I’m bringing this to Fiesta Friday #112 co-hosted by Natalie at Kitchen, Uncorked and Hilda at Along the Grapevine.

Puppy Chow | Unwed Housewife | Simple, quick, easy dessert recipe that's fun for the whole family!

Puppy Chow | Unwed Housewife | Simple, quick, easy dessert recipe that's fun for the whole family!

25 thoughts on “Puppy Chow

  1. You can’t go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate! I don’t think I’ve ever had puppy chow, but seeing how simple it is to make, I think that will probably change pretty quickly. Thanks for sharing the recipe at Fiesta Friday!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love puppy chow and have been meaning to post a recipe, too! Cats. They’re just never any help. 🙂 You know the story: If you have a dog, you feed him, pet him and lavish him with love & affection and he things you’re a god. But cats – you feed them, pet them and lavish them with love & affection and they think they’re god. 🙂

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  3. I have never heard of this before, but I’ve seen it served. Thanks so much for this recipe – I’m going to bring it to a play date.

    I had to choose this as my feature adn wanted to say thank you for linking this puppy chow recipe up at the Thank Goodness It’s Thursday link party. I can’t wait to see what you bring tomorrow!

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